Well, I was planning on driving all day today, but we pushed off the leave date to Monday. There will be lots of driving time for me this week as we make our way north up the east coast to visit Vermont and family. We will be making some stops along the way to break things up. The kids have only done this drive once when we moved here when they were 3 and 2.
Am I packed? Well, technically no but I do have all the clothes pulled in a pile, the drinks are ready for the cooler - waters and Gatorade and some snacks for the car. The first thing I did pack on Friday was my hand work bag from Thirty-One. You know the important things get packed first! I love my bags - I have 2 like this, a lunch cooler that is great for the car in Florida and a few of the Utility totes for shopping. I knew someone who was a consultant and got invited to a few parties' years ago. Anyway... what's in the bag you ask? There are 6 pockets on the outside and one on each end - great for water bottles and little things. I remember having 8 labeled water bottles at a parade with the girl scouts in there at one time!

Let's take a look! On the left we have the EPP for the Brimfield Awakening block with all the papers, templates and things needed to work on those. In the middle is 2 Harmony blocks that are in process for hand piecing from last year. I do have one 28 inch block completed but was planning to make 4. Hopefully I make progress on this the next few weeks. I threw in a sewing kit I got at Aldi's last year - just in case I need something there is a good variety of things in there. I'll also tuck my Vera Bradley coin purse where I have thread, scissors, pins and my needles but that is by the recliner still.
Inside we have yarns! I grabbed a skein of each of the 3 blues for the granny squares and the hook, some scrubby yarn and some dish cloth yarn. I know I have knitting needles in the car as well.
I have 6 dark blue and 8 medium blue granny squares so far.
I'll also bring the RSC Squares quilt to finish off hand stitching the binding if it doesn't get finished tonight watching the hockey game. I have one 64 inch side hand stitched.
Last night I finished hand stitching the binding on the Baby Masala Box quilt. This will travel up to VT with us so I can show my Mom and then I'll ship it to Cece in Wisconsin.
I'll probably bring the Endless Diamond quilt that I am hand quilting. I have 4.25 blocks left to quilt. I think I might make and attach a binding today in case I finish quilting it then it will be nearly done.
I think that should keep me busy for the 2.5 weeks we will be gone! Linking up with Kathy and the
Slow Sunday Stitchers.
Hubby is staying home to care for the animals (chickens, dog and 2 cats) and continue with his college classes. He starts 2 new ones tomorrow as he finishes up 2 today. Every 8 weeks he gets a new set of classes toward his degree.
I'd better finish breakfast (I just pulled blueberry muffins out of the oven) and grab a shower before I take the car through the car wash and give it a good cleaning inside and top off the gas tank for tomorrow. It got a check and lots of fixes at the dealer earlier this month and a new battery last Saturday so we should be good to go with my 2014 Honda CRV.
have fun in Vermont! I didn't realize you were driving this year - that will take a couple days won't it. Good thing to have the car all checked out first my honda is a crv too but a couple years older I think a 2011 and still works good. I bet you all excited
Have a safe trip and a great visit with the family.
That looks like a great bag for packing all those hand stitching choices! I bet your folks are really looking forward to seeing you and the kids - Iknow you'll have a great trip. How many days will your drive take?
sounds like you are good to go tomorrow!! I hope you have a safe and fun journey. Hugs, Julierose
Hope you have a great trip. Your to-do bag sounds well-packed!
What--you are not flying this year??? Have a safe road trip--
And I don't see any 'Christmas in July' projects in that stitching bag??? I have a couple planned to do next month!!
be waiting to hear all about your adventures--
hugs, di
Have a safe, wonderful trip! I love your bag - its perfect for carrying handwork. Enjoy! ~Jeanne
Wishing you a safe trip as that is quite a long drive. I am amazed at the amount of items you can fit in that great bag. I am looking forward to seeing what you accomplish while you are away.
Enjoy your trip and travel safely. You are right, plenty of hand work should always be the priority when packing for a trip!
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