Saturday, April 15, 2023

Rsc in purple

I enjoyed the morning with a sleeping household. I got up at 'normal' time and let the dog out. When he came in, I checked with a sleeping girl to see if she had fed him - No, turned over and back to sleep for her. I fed him and let him out to chase off a hawk while I shut up the chickens in their coop. I normally take him for a walk shortly after the kids leave for school at 8:15 (hubby is taking them to school now!). 8:30 and a snout on my chair arm with a whine. Sigh. I got dressed and took him for a walk. Still no one up when we got home! At 9:40 I woke up the girl asking if she was going to ride horses today or not? A sleepy yes, so I mentioned the time. Hubby got up around this time too. I got him to take her to horses today, and I cleaned up the kitchen and got a chance to sew! I found some purple scraps and cut out the kite shapes and got them sewn up. I need to pull more of the grey snowflake fabric and cut more of the side triangles for the next one. These are finishing at 8 inches using my Accuquilt.


I got off work a little early yesterday and hit the Market of Marion before picking up the kids from school. It is a vendor market that has one wing with fresh fruit and veggies that I like to go to on Fridays. I used to go right after dropping kids to school, but I have hubby bringing them now. I got some roma tomato's, a honeydew melon, some corn, swiss chard and green beans. Not bad for $12.  I also got a local raw honey as Emily finished the last jar last week when she was sick. I had some time, so decided to stop and pick some blueberries! It is blueberry season in Florida the month of April and there is a really nice U-pick farm near the kids school. I got 2.5 pounds and I think Emily ate half a pound of them on the way home! They were very yummy. I have plans to use my mini pie pan and try some blueberry pies this weekend. I'll probably go pick more next week. I still have some in the freezer from last year, but I do love fresh berries.

As for me, I plan to spend the day in the sewing room! I have 2 tops that need to get pinned for quilting and I hope to get one or both of them quilted this weekend. Wish me luck. (Garden Path and Frosty McChill).

Linking up with the RSC.


Gwyned Trefethen said...

Your steady progress is paying dividends as you sew block after block.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Best of luck with the basting and quilting, Deb, and congrats on that scrappy PURPLE block!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I have forgotten what it's like to live with teenagers and their sleeping habits, lol! Love your kite blocks - such a great shape. And fresh-picked blueberries - yummy!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

wow blueberries already - my bushes almost died this winter - I don't know if I will have any berries this year because of that - but at least I will have strawberries!

grammajudyb said...

Oh to have access to so much freshness. We are having a hard time finding fresh strawberries. My young great granddaughter is a very finicky eater. But fresh strawberries are something she really likes. We found blueberries and fresh pineapple in the grocery, but she’s not a fan of either of those. The rest of us were happy though. Love your purple kite shapes. Which die is that? I just purchased a Go Big cutter and only have the started die. I’ve been trying to decide on one other to purchase for now. But boy are they expensive!