Work... is getting closer to a deadline but.... I did not work (actual work) today! I didn't get much done on the sewing front, was not feeling it.... but I did get to go ride a horse and chat with the ladies in my group! We were running a bit late today, so I went directly from horses to get the kids from school.
I did make some progress, though. I had started applique of the peels for the string of beads block this month in purple. I think I just could not see it in red, so was happy purple came up this month. The original quilt I saw was in green and purple ages ago. It made purple easier to start for this block. Lets just say, my normal way of 'winging' it did not go well. I did a few YouTube videos and saw someone who drew the outline on the fabric to applique and on the background. Why didn't I think of that? So... today I grabbed one of the white print squares for the string of beads block and drew the 8 orange peel shapes onto it. I also grabbed a scrap of darker purple and traced and cut out 4 of them. I unstitched the 3 lighter purples from the original background and started over on the traced block. Yup, that went a lot better and now I'm over the hurdle on that!
I was able to get these 3 stitched before I headed to horses. I'll add that last one on tonight and then will add the dark green to the outer edges.
Wednesday after school, I picked up the kids and headed across town to get to the area for the dedication ceremony of the Silver award lending library the girls made last fall. There was a bit of paperwork to get it placed on the county property. 3 of the 4 girls were able to attend.
Her brother stayed in the car and started reading a book assigned for school. It is called Tuesday's with Morrie and he said it is a great book. Makes you think. I'll have to check it out.
This guy has found a new spot he likes. The sun hits here in the morning - it is right outside my office and looking out at the side yard. There tends to be a wild bunny and some squirrels and birds to keep him entertained.

It has been another 'fun' week of hearing about hospitals. My step-FIL was in the hospital for a few days last week then released for the weekend. Things were ok- crazy changes in bp and other issues, until Tuesday when they got weird. No energy, hallucinations, etc. He waited until Wednesday morning before going to the ER. He was admitted and things are not going well. He is 90 years old, had a major heart attack 20 years ago and his cardiologist has been very surprised he is still alive the last 5+ years! So, we are just trying to support my MIL as best as we can. I swear this man has about 20 lives so far with all his health problems, so we will wait and see what happens. Just to throw another log on, my Dad was at his cardio rehab and they didn't like a number on the machine so they wheeled him to the ER on Wednesday too! It turned out that it was ok, and all other numbers were normal for him, so they let him go home pretty quickly. Maybe it was too much celebrating my Mom's 85 birthday on Tuesday!
Sunday, Aidan and I took a drive over to see my FIL (Greg's Dad) and drop some things to him. His hip is doing better, and he is getting around ok. Greg and Emily will head over this weekend to see him. Aidan and I will be in St. Pete watching cars go around the track for 2 days. Let's hope the rain holds off and the sun hides behind the clouds. It is going to be a hot one on Saturday! The kids have one last day of school before spring break. They don't go back to school until Tuesday the 19th.
Man, you have had quite the week--hope all is well with family members in and out of hospital!!
I like your lavender peels a lot...nice that you got to do some...
Hugs for a quieter next week for you all Julierose
The String of Beads block in purple is starting out beautifully! I'm glad you figured out a way to stitch them that you're happy with. Love the photo of the girls with their Little Library! What a great project! Sorry your elders are having so many health issues. I thought of my mom when you were describing your step-FIL - that's a perfect description of her, too - she's had about 20 lives and keeps coming back. Sometimes I just don't know how!
just a thought but some elderly have hallucinations with urinary tract infections - they might want to check that if they haven't by now. My daughter's elderly mother in law has had that happen three times now in the past 4 years.
Drawing the lines on the applique works for me.
I always use freezer paper for applique and I hope to start an Orange Peel quilt soon as I love sewing those shapes. That purple you show is a lovely shade. How nice to get the library dedication done and how interesting your son is reading Tuesdays with Morrie in school. I enjoyed reading that years ago when Oprah had him on her show. We seem to have come through a similar medical phase just the two of us. And at older ages, always something!
My goodness you have had a full week. Best wishes to all experiencing health issues for a good recovery. Bust out don’t rust out!
Orange Peel quilt . . . Another one to add to the Make It wish list.
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