Last Sunday's stitching got these into a top. I was planning a small yellow border then my black butterfly one, but I thought it was too bright. I went with a 2 inch light/bright blue instead. It will finish at 1.5 inches and then I'll add a 5.5 inch of the butterfly fabric around the outside today. I'd love to get it pinned for machine quilting, but I doubt that will happen today. Progress at least! I believe it will finish at 85x 97.

I love this butterfly fabric I found. I think it will be the perfect border. Yes, Bear was helping to hold down the quilt. He is really waiting on a walk.
I did get some surgery stitching in this morning with a dog snout through the kitty door looking into my sewing room to view the process. Bear's pickle, snowman and gingerbread cookie are all restitched from their gaping wounds from the tugging game with Aidan or ripping to get to the stuffing. They each got a beat down as soon as they were fixed. I think he is happy everyone is now in the rotation to play rather than being on top of the tv hutch waiting for surgery. The snowman and gingerbread were $5 finds right before Christmas.
He has been snuggled in with either Greg or Emily this week in the evenings, so I shut their doors and let the cats explore the house. That lead to 2 kitties on me in the recliner. They were happy.
I pulled the parts for the 4th Harmony block. I cut and prepped the twisted triangle -the cream one - and got that stitched up this week. I started assembly but need to make one more of the 'house' units since it is hiding really well somewhere in the sewing space. I have the fabrics, so it is easier to cut and piece it at this point.
I plan to cut out some orange peels today for the String of Beads blocks I'll be working on this year. I got the background and it was a long decision on what consistent green I wanted. I had originally pulled a sage green, but then wandering around I saw this darker hunter green. I held both bolts along rows of various colors and decided the darker hunter green will make the selected colors pop more. We will see how it turns out! For a 60x60 wall hanging, I'll need 25 blocks. The inner 4 peels will be colors other than green. The green will be the outer 4 peels.
linking up with Slow Sunday Stitchers and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I did get the 3rd Arkansas Traveller block completed for the month of green. I wonder what color February will be?
I really like the blue border! It pulls out the blues in the hexies. That butterfly fabric for the wider border is gorgeous, too! That will be perfect to go with the colorful center. Bear is a crack-up, it always sounds like he has lots of personality!
The blue fabric teamed with those lovely butterflies will look smashing with your pretty hexies. I bet Bear is happy his toys survived the surgery.
the hexagon quilt is looking great and the AT blocks are doing great!
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