Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Feeling blah....

Do you ever feel like doing .... nothing? Sigh. Me the last week.

Might be the uncertainty of the Dad's health. A cold that a kid shared with me last weekend still sapping my energy. And being the procrastination queen, I still need to prep a bit for the hand piecing I am facilitating this weekend at Sisters Retreat. Oh, and pack for the weekend at girl scout camp!

Monday was a 2 different time kid pick up - I made lasagna for dinner. One big pan of my Mom's recipe and one small of noodles, sauce and a little mozzarella for the girl.  

Tuesday was double kid pick up at the same time. leftovers were for dinner. I sat, checked my phone for updates and didn't do much of anything last night except get frustrated with MAX streaming service changing the language of what I was watching. Emily figured out how to change it back, but it randomly changed to Spanish over and over again!

Today - double kid pick up again at the same time and I really need to prep and pack for the weekend and my 20 minute hand piecing sessions.  It will be interesting to see how many actually want to try hand piecing.  I plan to bring my Harmony project to work on while I have some 'down time'.  Dinner will be some sort of chicken, rice and broccoli dish. I'll have to google recipes with those ingredients and see what pops up.

Update - my FIL, is waiting for a tube to be removed and then he is good to be released from hospital to rehab near us. That will happen 'sometime' this week. Got to love their timeframes! Now word on if they are transporting or if we are. Great communication!

Update on My Dad - waiting on the doctors to decide if they do the stint and potentially damage his kidneys, or protect the kidneys and keep the heart stable with monitoring from his cardiologist. The got the results last night  from a stress test, and the doctor team are assessing and deciding what to do. So... if nothing, then he will be released home sometime today. If a Stint, then probably procedure tomorrow and kept for a day after for observation then released home. At least the communication is better here and my siblings have been great at taking turns going up and sharing all the info.



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I do think that having elderly parents dealing with scary medical issues can sap all your energy! Hope it gets better for you as the week goes on. Around here, the rehab places will come and get the patient and transport them (instead of you having to do it). That's nice because they can transport them in a wheelchair. Fingers crossed that they will do that for your FiL. Good luck with the prep for your weekend events!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sometimes we just have no energy left when we get a little stressed over medical problems the parents have - hope everything keeps going forward on both of them and glad your FIL will be moved closer to you

Julierose said...

Oh-- you have so much going on with life issues there--no wonder you are feeling "blah". Just rest as much as you can and maybe pick up something really easy--a good book or something...hoping everything straightens out for your Dad and FIL soon...hugs and good thoughts, Julierose


Don't be too hard on yourself--sometimes our bodies just say--enough and it's time to just chill--just got with the body signals--your busy mo-jo will return when it's time--am thinking of you and the Dads'--just relax and play with the chickens or take the dog for a walk--or watch a funny movie!!!
hugs, di

Ray and Jeanne said...

I think you need some downtime - maybe your body is telling you that by feeling blah. Some better news about your FIL may help and I hope some decisions about your dad will help you too. Take care of you! ~Jeanne

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Deb you have a lot on your plate right now . There is nothing wrong with you not feeling like doing anything. I know you are worried so. Sending you hugs and prayers.